D, E, folic acid, & alpha lipoic acid.
Low Vitamin B6 Linked to Inflammation
Chronic Inflammation Tied to Low Blood Levels of Vitamin B6
June 19, 2012 -- Low levels of vitamin B6 may be a key factor involved with chronic inflammation in the body. But don't
go rushing to the supplement aisle just yet.
A new study shows a strong association between chronic inflammation and the essential
vitamin found in foods such as lean meats, legumes, and vegetables.
Researchers found that people with the lowest levels of vitamin B6 in their blood had the highest levels of chronic inflammation, based on a wide variety of indicators. Those with the most vitamin B6 circulating
in the bloodstream were also the least likely to have indicators of inflammation.
Temporary inflammation, such as redness and swelling after an injury, is generally a sign that the immune system is actively
fighting infection.
But chronic inflammation is an emerging risk factor for a wide range of health problems, including heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.
Low Vitamin B6 Linked to Inflammation
In the study, published in the Journal of Nutrition, researchers compared blood levels of vitamin B6 and 13 different
indicators of inflammation in 2,229 adults enrolled in the Framingham Offspring study.
Although previous studies have linked low blood levels of vitamin B6 with various signs of inflammation, such as C-reactive
protein (CRP), researchers say this is the first large-scale study to look at the relationship between the vitamin and a variety
of inflammation indicators.
The results showed that people with the highest overall inflammation score based on the 13 different indicators had the
lowest blood levels of vitamin B6.
The reverse was also true. Those who had the highest blood levels of vitamin B6 had the lowest levels of chronic inflammation.
Researcher Lydia Sakakeeny, PhD, who conducted the study while a doctoral student at Tufts University, says the findings
give researchers a better idea of what is going on in the body with chronic inflammation. But it's much too early to say simply
whether getting more vitamin B6 through food or supplements is enough to fight inflammation.
"The next step is determining the mechanism of the relationship between B6 and inflammation," she tells WebMD. "From there,
it then may lead to new treatments or dietary recommendations."
Vitamin B6: Don't Get Too Much of a Good Thing
Experts say until more research confirms the role of vitamin B6 in chronic inflammation, people should focus on including
sources of the vitamin in their diet to reap the other proven benefits of the nutrient, rather than taking a supplement.
"When research comes out like this, people often run to the supplement store rather than the supermarket," says registered
dietician Joan Salge Blake, a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
"Vitamin B6 is one of those nutrients that is present robustly in lean chicken breast and hamburger, fish, in very affordable
legumes and pinto beans, and of course beautiful vegetables like red peppers and potatoes," Salge Blake tells WebMD.
Blake says vitamin B6 is vital to more than 100 enzyme processes in the body, mostly those involving the metabolism of
But there can be too much of a good thing. Studies have shown taking large amounts of vitamin B6 (more than 500 mg a day)
can cause nerve damage, difficulty walking, or tingling.
"Some is good. More is not better," says Salge Blake. "Just having a well-balanced diet will meet your needs."
When the body turns food into energy by burning glucose (oxidation) and also produced a
toxic products - free radicals (oxygen radicals, oxidative stress), some time in excess, and can damage cells.
Oxidation is a chemical reaction.
Oxygen has two electrons particles and are stable as a pair. During oxidation, one electron breaks free
and form free radical, destabilizing the oxygen molecule.
Free radicals are atoms, molecules or ions containing the unpaired electrons (broken from the pair) on an open shell (thatis
it is not completely filled with electrons), making them unstable and chemically highly reactive.
Free radicals in an attempt to stabilize, attack another structure to get an electron from them. As a result,the
free radical destroy the structre. This results in more cell damage and creation of more free radicals, creating chain reactions
of tissue destruction cycle, leading to diseases.
C, E, K Vitamins, alpha lipoic acid, NO glutathione, melatonin and melatonin are antioxidants..
An antioxidant is a molecule capable of preventing oxidation of another molecules.
Antioxidants stop the chain reactions by removing free radical, and stopping oxidation reactions. Antioxidants do this
by being reducing agents that is by oxidized themselves
Enzymes catalase, superoxide dismutase and various peroxidase help antioxidants. Inhibition of these enzymes may lead to
free radical (oxidative stress) as well.
Beside medicinal use, antioxidants are also used for food preservation, cosmetics, degradation of gasoline and rubber.
i.Antioxidants stops harmful effects of free radicals.
The antioxidant stabilizes and protect the NO as it is produced.
VITAMIN C, HEART & BLOOD VESSELS (Cardiovascular disorders=CVD)
Food sources:
Fruits: Orange, lemons, grapefruit, watermelon, papaya, strawberries, cantaloupe, mango, pineapple, raspberries
and cherries.
Vegetables:Green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, broccoli, green and red peppers, cauliflower and cabbage.
Dietary recommendations of Ascorbic acid
Vitamin C 100 mg/day is found to be sufficient to saturate the body in healthy person. A dietary intake
of 100 mg/day vitamin reduced incidence of mortality from heart diseases, stroke and cancer [15].
Vitamin C is reduced b stress, smoking, alcoholism, fever, viral infections.
The physiological functions dependents on the oxide-reduction properties .
IT synthesizes:
Carnitine and
Neurotransmitters [21].
Accelerates hydroxylation reactions by enzymes hydroxylase and oxygenase.
Essential to maintain the enzyme prolyl and lysyl hydroxylase in an active form.
Proline and lysine hydroxilation by the enzyme prolyl hydroxylase using ascorbic acid as co-factor.
Deficiency reduces hydroxylation of proline and lysine, thus collagen synthesis.
Essential for the synthesis of muscle carnitine (β-hydroxy butyric acid).
[22]. Carnitine transports and transfers fatty acids into mitochondria and used for energy production.
A co-factor for the enzyme dopamine-β-hydroxylase, which converts neurotransmitter
dopamine to norepinephrine.
Helps hormones oxytocin, vasopressin, cholecystokinin and alpha-melanotripin [23] activities.
Transforms cholesterol to bile acids as it modulates the microsomal 7 α-hydroxylation,
the rate limiting reaction of cholesterol catabolism in liver. If deficient , results in an accumulation of cholesterol in
liver, hypercholesterolemia, and cholesterol gall stones formation [24].
Ascorbic acid is known to enhance the availability and absorption of iron from non-heme iron sources [25]. Ascorbic acid supplementation is found to facilitate the dietary absorption of iron
Ascorbic acid in health and disease
Ascorbic acid and common cold
The role of oral vitamin C in the prevention and treatment of colds remains controversial despite many controlled
trials. Several clinical trails with varying doses of ascorbic acid showed that ascorbic acid does not have significant prophylactic
effect, but reduced the severity and duration of symptoms of cold during the period of infection.
Ascorbic acid and wound healing
Ascorbic acid plays a critical role in wound repair and healing/regeneration process as it stimulates collagen
Ascorbic acid and atherosclerosis
Variable results were noted: beneficial, not beneficial and no effect on coronary heart disease. But there
is no study is noted with high dose such 3000 mgm of vitamin C all studies were 500 mgm or less.
As opposed to Pauling and Cameron, Mayo clinic studies on cancer patients showed no
significant differences between vitamin C and placebo groups in regard to survival time [63]. ].
Many studies were carried out to find out the vitamin C association with breast, esophageal, lung, gastric,
pancreatic, colorectal, prostate, cervical and ovarian cancer etc. and found to be inconclusive except gastric cancer [84].
Agus et al [98] NOTED that the tumor cells contain large amounts of vitamin C, although the role of it is not known.
It is speculated that high levels may interfere with chemotherapy or radiation therapy as these modalities
induce cell death by oxidative mechanism.
Recently, it has been suggested that ascorbic acid may enhance mutagenesis and risk of cancer.
Many health benefits have been attributed to ascorbic acid namely antioxidant, anti-atherogenic and anti-carcinogenic
Lately some of these beneficial effects of ascorbic acid are contradicted.
Current data suggestbthat it protects against atherogenesis by inhibiting LDL oxidation.
Controversy 1 Many of Pauling's recommendations of high dose
vitamin C for many diseases are controversial. However, his recommendation vitamin C for heart disease seems quite logical.
He recommended vitamin C and lysine for CVD, both in very high doses.
Rationale of using vitamin C for CVD
Effects of vitamin C on:
b)Cholesterol and Lipoprotein (a), Lp(a)
Collagen is protein and forms into very strong collagen fibers which provide strength
and stability to blood vessels walls and all other tissues. Vitamin C is required for productiotn, repair and maintenance
of strong collagen tissues. Collagen is destroyed during the process.
Continued supply of vitamin C is absolutely essential to maintain body tissues normal.
Deficiency of vitamin C causes damage to the vessel walls, specially heart and leads to plaques formation and if severe, leads
to scurvy. Coronary vessels are continuously subject to heart's contraction resulting in trauma, and wall break down, repair
does not occur and lead to plaque formation. (1-8)
Vitamin C, needs Lysine and proline, protein amino acids. They are building blocks to
form collagen
In absence of adequate vitamin C, not required in formation of collagen:
a) Lysine becomes free and attach to cholesterol (lipoprotein(a)) in circulation and attaches
to the exposed damaged collagen.
b) Free proline attches itself directly to damaged collagen.This process, ultimately lead
to plaque formation.
Also hypothesis:
a) The body manufactures more cholesterol (Lp(a)),when vitamin C level is low and vice
b) As vitamin C level is restored, this halts or slows the disease process, and built
up plaques are being removed, more rapid if lysine is taken with vitamin C.
Lysine attaches and then loosen the lipoprotein Lp(a) in existing plaque deposits and
are removed
Pauling recommended dose of vitamin C{
Preventive dose: 3000mg or more per day.
Treatment dose: Higher dose of both Vitamin C and lysine.
Low doses are ineffective.
"... in patients with a history of atherosclerosis, most of whom were on clofibrate and/or
anticoagulants, the serum-cholesterol increased in the weeks when vitamin-C supplements were given. It is suggested that this
rise in serum-cholesterol is caused by mobilization of the arterial cholesterol."3
"Vitamin C concentrations are lower in intermittent claudication patients
in association with higher CRP levels and severity of PAD. Future studies attempting to relate vitamin C levels to disease
occurrence should include in their analysis an inflammatory marker such as CRP". 4
one tablet of 500 mgm vitamin C = 5 x 8 ounce glass of orange juice.
1. Ronald L. Hoffman, M.D., C.N.S.
Vitamin C / atherosclerosis scare
Personal Viewpoint, 8 references are cited.
Constance R. Spittle
Volume 298, Issue 7737, 11 December 1971, Pages 1280-1281 Originally published as Volume 2, Issue 7737
4. Michel Langlois,et al. Serum Vitamin C Concentration Is Low in Peripheral Arterial Disease and Is Associated With
Inflammation and Severity of Atherosclerosis Circulation. 2001;103:1863-1868 doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.103.14.1863
Present status vitamin D and CAD
"Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to an increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, congestive heart failure, peripheral
arterial disease, myocardial infarction, stroke, and related mortality, even after adjustment for traditional cardiovascular
risk factors."1
Vitamin D deficiency may also be associated with many vascular function, including atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.1
"I want to alert readers to this month's groundbreaking study about atherosclerosis and vitamin D. Atherosclerosis is the disease process that leads to heart attacks and strokes. Dr. Targher and his group in Italy measured the amount of
atherosclerotic plaque (carotid artery intimal thickness) and the vitamin D levels of 390 diabetic patients. The authors found
low vitamin D blood levels were an independent and strong predictor of atherosclerosis. Professor Robert Scragg of the University of Auckland was right 16 years ago, when he discovered that low vitamin D levels
are associated with heart attacks."3
Racial difference of level of vitamin D and supplementation.
Lower levels of vitamin D may not indicate deficiency to the same extent as in whites
and one should be careful in supplementing vitamin D in black patients....
Blacks generally have lower vitamin D levels than whites.
It was noted that higher circulating levels of vitamin D in blacks were associated with more calcium in the artery walls
as opposed what occur in white patients. It is thought that the normal range of vitamin D may be different between blacks
and whites.
Black and white patients have different risk for bone and heart disease.One should not assume that the effects of vitamin
D supplementation will be the same between the black and white races.4
Vitamin D in atherosclerosis, vascular disease, and endothelial function.Curr Drug Targets. 2011 Jan;12(1):54-60.
2P.E. Norman, J.T. Powell. Vitamin D, Shedding Light on the Development of Disease in Peripheral Arteries. Arteriosclerosis,
Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 2005; 25: 39-46
3. Vitamin D, Atherosclerosis, and Influenza
3. ScienceDaily (Mar. 15, 2010) — Vitamin
D Levels Have Different Effects On Atherosclerosis in Blacks and Whites, Study Finds
"This study shows that high dietary menaquinone intake, but probably not phylloquinone, is associated with reduced coronary
calcification. Adequate menaquinone intakes could therefore be important to prevent cardiovascular disease."1
High dietary menaquinone intake is associated with reduced coronary calcification.
There are three forms of vitamin K.
K1 (phylloquinone or phytonadione)
K2 (menaquinone or or MKs).
K3 (menadione) is a potent synthetic (man-made) form and not used in humans.
K2 is thought to prevent and reduce coronary calcification but K1 does not, noted in a studies.1, 2
Vitamin K activates proteins such as matrix Gla-protein (MGP) via carboxylation . These proteins
have been shown to inhibit vascular calcification.
The researchers here examined whether dietary intake of phylloquinone
(K1) and menaquinone (K2) were related to aortic calcification and coronary heart or artery disease (CHD or CAD).
Their finding suggest a protective effect of menaquinone (K2) intake against CHD. K2 inhibited arterial calcification and contributed to CHD prevention.
The study also showed that people who consume 45 mcg of K2 daily lived seven years longer
than people getting 12 mcg per day. 2
Johanna M. Geleijnse, Cees Vermeer et al. Dietary
Intake of Menaquinone Is Associated with a Reduced Risk of Coronary Heart Disease: The Rotterdam Study. The American Society for Nutritional Sciences J. Nutr. 134:3100-3105, November 2004
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"This information proves that Vitamin K2 is a critical
nutrient for patients with arteriosclerosis as it has the potential to prevent and remove calcium from arteriosclerotic plaques
thus making plaques easier to dissolve and less dangerous."1
K1 & K (2menaquinone-7)
Fat absorbable also A D E
Sources: K1 in plants
K2 in animals and bacterias
Healthy colon bacteria,
Japanese natto,
Low fat Dutch gouda and
Edam cheese
Bacteria in the colon
Antibiotics and the non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs kill many of these good intestinal bacteria.
Vitamin K1 was less effective than Vitamin K2
in preventing bone loss.
Vitamin K2(MK-7) is absorbed better and is 6
times more potent than Vitamin K1.
There is a lower incidence of
calcification of the aorta if on long term K2 therapy.
High K2 level is associated with number of lower
plaque in the arteries and more elastic are the arteries.
K2 lack causes calcium to deposit in arteries,
aorta, soft tissues including muscle, breast, kidneys and in heel spurs instead of bones.
In Japan, osteoporosis is treated by
"The secret to avoiding calcium-related osteoporosis and atherosclerosis
While millions of people take calcium and Vitamin D supplements thinking they're helping their bones, the truth is, without
the addition of Vitamin K2, such a health regimen could prove dangerous. Without Vitamin K2, the body cannot direct calcium
to the bones where it's needed; instead, the calcium resides in soft tissue (like the arteries)—leading to a combination
of osteoporosis and atherosclerosis, or the dreaded "calcium paradox." This is the first book to reveal how universal a Vitamin
K2 deficiency is, and the risk (in the form of cancer and diabetes, among other ailments) the absence of Vitamin K2 poses.
Written by Dr. Kate Rheaume-Bleue, a popular health expert on Canadian television and radio, Vitamin K2 and the Calcium
Paradox sounds a warning about the popularity of the calcium and Vitamin D craze, while illustrating the enormous health
benefits of Vitamin K2 in making the body less susceptible to dental cavities, heart disease, prostate cancer, liver cancer,
diabetes, wrinkles, obesity, varicose veins, and other ailments.
- The book demystifies this obscure supernutrient—a fat soluble vitamin that humans once thrived on, ignored by scientists
for almost seventy years
- Details how the consumption of grass-fed animals led to adequate Vitamin K2 intake—while grain-based animal
feed helped eradicate Vitamin K2 from our diets
- Describes how doctors are raising recommended doses of calcium and Vitamin D—without prescribing Vitamin K2
- Details more damning facts about transfats—and how the creation of a synthetic Vitamin K interfered with the
body's Vitamin K metabolism
An essential book for anyone interested in bone health, or maintaining their overall health, Vitamin K2 and the Calcium
Paradox is the guide to taking the right combination of supplements—and adding Vitamin K2 to a daily regimen.
Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life
July 24, 2008
Discovered from spinach leaves (folium) in 1940, hence the name.
Belongs to vitamin B coplex group B9, is an antioxidant and co-factor.
Sources: Green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, oranges.
Egg yolks, liver.
Breads, pasta and fortified breakfast cereals.
Functions of Folic acid.
1.Certain enzymes need folic acid as co-factor to do necessary body function
and inhibit free radicals activity.
2. It is also needed by enzyme NO synthase which help synthesis of NO.
3.Along with B6 and B9, it lowers blood level the amino acid homocysteine,
a risk factor for atherosclerosis and heart diseases. Homocysteine injures endothelial cells where NO is created.
At 800 mcg daily dose, blood homocysteine level fell 23 % compared to the
placebo group.
This is not to confused with alpha linolenic acid, which is
an omega-3 fatty acid and sometimes also abbreviated ALA.
ALA is an antioxidant and both water and fat soluble. So, it can work throughout
the body.
Body makes alpha-lipoic acid and found in every cell.
Red meat, liver, yeast, particularly brewer's yeast.
It is more active in energy producing cells.
ALA neutralizes many type of free radicals.
ALA helps other antioxidant to function. As other antioxidants get exhausted
as they attack free radicals, ALA comes to regenerate these antioxidants and making active again.
It can help NO production, stability and action duration.
Helps in glucose metabolism and diabetic neuropathy
It can lower BP.
Protects stroke related brain injury.
Helps vascular functioning, damage and atheroscleosis.
May help treat glaucoma.
A 5% lipoic acid cream reduced fine lines from sun damage in aging skin.
References:University of Maryland Medical Center.
Alpha-lipoic acid
Contains nutritionally important n−3 fatty acids
a) a-linolenic acid (ALA).
b) Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
c) Decosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
All are polyunsaturated.
Fish oils
Plants oils: Flaxseed, algal and hemo.
Mammalian brains.
"......the majority of Americans are omega-3 deficient, which means most of us are
losing out on healthier minds, hearts and bodies1"..
The health benefits of the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids — DHA and EPA omega-3
— are the best known. These benefits were discovered in the 1970s by researchers studying the Greenland Inuit Tribe. The Greenland Inuit people consumed large amounts of fat from meat, but displayed virtually no cardiovascular
disease. The high level of omega-3 fatty acids consumed by the Inuit reduced triglycerides, heart rate, blood pressure, and atherosclerosis.[6]"
"On September 8, 2004, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration gave "qualified health claim" status to EPA and DHA n−3 fatty acids, stating that "supportive
but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA [n−3] fatty acids may reduce the risk
of coronary heart disease."[7]....
The Canadian Government has recognized the importance of DHA omega-3 and permits the following biological
role claim for DHA: "DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid, supports the normal development of the brain, eyes and nerves."[8].....
Omega-3 blood levels are considered deficient at 5% and below. Health omega-3 levels start at 6% with
optimum levels between 8%-9%.
Benefits of omega 3
"Omega-3 Heart Health
Heart Health Many extensive medical studies show
that Omega-3 fish oils are good for overall heart and cardiovascular health 1-20. Omega-3 also supports healthy
triglyceride levels 21-23 and is recommended by both The American Heart Association and The National Institutes
of Health (NIH). CoQ10 has also been shown to support heart health.* 24,25 Brain Health
Slow cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer's disease
Prenatal and Children’s Health Joint Health & Mobility"
Improve insulin metabolism and blood sugar balance
Help prevent asthma
Reduce overall systemic inflammation (a major driving factor of all chronic illness
Omega Quant HS-Omega-3 Index Test
This is a self test.
1 These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended
to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."
^ Dyerberg J, Bang HO, Hjorne N (1975). "Fatty acid composition of the plasma lipids in Greenland
Eskimos". Am J Clin Nutr 28 (9): 958–66. PMID 1163480
How Vitamin K2 helps Heart?