colic 1.Cow's Milk as a Cause of
Infantile Colic Breast-Fed
Infants. Lancet 2 (1978): 4372.Dietary
Colitis in Breast- Fed Infants, J. Pediatr. I01 (1982): 906
Intestinal irritation Intestinal bleeding Anemia-iron deficiency Allergic
reactions Infections
such as salmonella Viral infection with bovine leukemia virus or an AIDS-like
virus Childhood
diabetes. Contamination
of milk by blood and white
(pus) cells as well as a variety of
chemicals and insecticides Ear and tonsillar infections Bedwetting Asthma ADULT Heart
disease Arthritis Allergy Sinusitis Leukemia,lymphoma
and cancer.
" Being against cow's milk is equated with being un-American."
ANTIBIOTICS AND PESTICIDES 50 years ago an average cow produced
2,000 pounds of milk/year and
now the the top cows produce 50,000
pounds each/year. This is achieved by using drugs: Antibiotics
Hormones (Bovine growth hormone or BGH) Forced feeding Specialized breeding
Drugs (BGH and antibiotics) and pesticides are usually come out in the milk. Effects: There
is 50 to 70% increase in mastitis treated by antibiotic therapy, and the residues of the
antibiotics appear in the milk. Because of subsidy, more milk
is produced than can
be consumed. Results: storage costs and further taxpayer
burdens, the law requires the USDA to buy any
surplus of butter, cheese, or non-fat dry milk at a support
price set by Congress BLOOD AND PUS IN COWS' MILK All cows' milk contains blood. The USDA allows
milk to contain from
one to one and a half million white blood cells (basically pus cells) per
milliliter (1/30 ounce). Milk is a chemical, biological, and
bacterial cocktail. Authorities test for
4 of the 82 drugs in dairy cows.
The Milk Industry Foundation's spokesman Jerome Kozak says, "I still
think that milk is the safest product we have."
38% of milk samples in 10 cities were
contaminated with sulfa drugs or other antibiotics. (This
from the Center for Science in the Public Interest and The
Wall Street Journal, Dec. 29, 1989)another study in
Washington, DC found a 20 percent contamination rate
(Nutrition Action Health letter, April 1990).
The FDA data showed 51 percent
of the milk samples showed drug traces.
It seems that cows are keep getting infections around the
udder requiring ointments and antibiotics.
If the cow has
mastitis,there is pus (macrophages) in the milk.
HUMAN BREAST MILK The human breast milk in over 14,000 women
contamination by pesticides from meat eaten by the women noted
in one study. A subgroup of lactating
vegetarian mothers had half the levels of contamination.
An increased concentration of
pesticides in the breast tissue of women with breast cancer
when compared to the tissue of women with fibrocystic
disease noted in one study.
3.The Question of the Elimination of Foreign Protein in
Women's Milk, J. Immunology 19 (1930): 15
The cows' milk allergens appear in the mother's milk and are
transmitted to the infant.
Doctor Frank Oski:
"I suggest that unmodified whole bovine milk should not be
consumed after infancy because of the problems of lactose
intolerance, its contribution to the genesis of
atherosclerosis, and its possible link to other diseases." 1992:Dr.
Benjamin Spock suggested to avoid for
the first two years of life.
Bacterial contamination.
Salmonella, E. coli, and staphylococcal infections can be
traced to milk. UCLA study: Over a third of
all cases of salmonella infection in California, 1980-1983
were traced to raw milk. In England, and Wales where raw milk
still consumed there have been outbreaks of milk-borne
diseases. The Journal of the American Medical Association
(251: 483, 1984) reported a multi-state series of infections
caused by Yersinia enterocolitica in pasteurised whole milk.
American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition, Mar. 1990: "...significant positive
correlation between consumption of unfermented milk protein
and incidence of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus in data
from various countries. Conversely a possible negative
relationship is observed between breast-feeding at age 3
months and diabetes risk.".
Diabetic children had
higher levels of serum antibodies to cowsÂ’ milk (Diabetes
Research 7(3): 137-140 March 1988). The April 18, 1992 British
Medical Journal: Incidence
of juvenile
insulin dependent diabetes in Pakistani children who have
migrated to England had 10 times
greater compared to children remaining
in Pakistan. The caused: "the diet was unchanged in Great
Britain." The milk just may have had something to
do with the disease.
New England Journal of Medicine article (July 30, 1992): .
In Finland there is "...the world's highest rate of dairy
product consumption and the world's highest rate of insulin
dependent diabetes. The disease strikes about 40 children
out of every 1,000 there contrasted with six to eight per
1,000 in the United States.... Antibodies produced against
the milk protein during the first year of life, the
researchers speculate, also attack and destroy the pancreas
in a so-called auto-immune reaction, producing diabetes in
people whose genetic makeup leaves them vulnerable." "...142
Finnish children with newly diagnosed diabetes. They found
that every one had at least eight times as many antibodies
against the milk protein as did healthy children, clear
evidence that the children had a raging auto immune
disorder." "good protein"
The bovine leukemia virus is
found in more than 60% cows in the United
about 80% of dairy herds.
90 to 95% pooled milk is contaminated.
If the pasteurization was done correctly,the virus gets killed or inactivated..
Randomly collected raw milk samples
the bovine leukemia virus was recovered from two-thirds. (Science 1981;
In large milk processing plant an
accidental "cross connection" between raw and pasteurized
milk occurred. A violent salmonella outbreak followed,
killing 4 and making an estimated 150,000 ill. There
are reports
of "leukemia clusters" elsewhere, one of them mentioned in
the June 10, 1990 San Francisco Chronicle involving Northern
Virtually all animals
exposed to the virus develop leukemia. This includes sheep,
goats, and even primates such as rhesus monkeys and
chimpanzees. The route of transmission includes ingestion
(both intravenous and intramuscular) and cells present in
milk. . There is evidence of human antibody
formation to the bovine leukemia virus; Iowa, Nebraska,
South Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconsin have statistically
higher incidence of leukemia than the national average. In
Russia and in Sweden, areas with uncontrolled bovine
leukemia virus have been linked with increases in human
leukemia. veterinarians have higher
rates of leukemia than the general public. Dairy farmers
have significantly elevated leukemia rates.
It is noted that the production of milk was greater in the cows
with the bovine leukemia virus. However when the leukemia
produced a persistent and significant lymphocytosis
(increased white blood cell count), the production fell off.
Cow virus is capable of
producing leukemia in other animals and human/
Several articles were published on this subject:
1.Epidemiologic Relationships of the Bovine Population and
Human Leukemia in Iowa. Am Journal of Epidemiology 112
(1980):80 2.Milk of Dairy Cows Frequently Contains a
Leukemogenic Virus. Science 213 (1981): 1014 3.Beware of the
Cow. (Editorial) Lancet 2 (1974):30 4.Is Bovine Milk A
Health Hazard?. Pediatrics; Suppl. Feeding the Normal
Infant. 75:182-186; 1985
In Norway, 1422 individuals were followed for 11 and a half
years. Those drinking 2 or more glasses of milk per day had
3.5 times the incidence of cancer of the lymphatic organs.
British Med. Journal 61:456-9, March 1990.
Allan S. Cunningham:
Lancet, November 27, 1976 (page 1184)"Lymphomas and Animal-Protein Consumption". Many
Here the beef and dairy consumption
in grams per day calculated for a one year period, 1955-1956.,
in 15 countries . New Zealand, United States and Canada were
highest in that order. The lowest was Japan followed by
Yugoslavia and France. The difference between the highest
and lowest was quite pronounced: 43.8 grams/day for New
Zealanders versus 1.5 for Japan. Nearly a 30-fold
difference! The last several decades have seen a
increase in the amount of beef and milk used in
Japan and their disease patterns are reflecting this.
The lack of "genetic protection" is seen in
migration studies. Formerly the increase in frequency of
lymphomas in Japanese people was only in those who moved to
the USA.
Cunningham found a highly significant positive correlation
between deaths from lymphomas and beef and dairy ingestion
in the 15 countries analyzed. Excessive
consumption of animal protein may be one co-factor in the
causation of lymphomas by acting in the following manner.
"Chronic immunological
stimulation causes lymphomas in laboratory animals and is
believed to cause lymphoid cancers in men." The
gastrointestinal mucous membrane is only a partial barrier
to the absorption of food antigens, and circulating
antibodies to food protein is commonplace especially potent
lymphoid stimulants. . It has been conservatively
estimated that more than 100 distinct antigens are released
by the normal digestion of cows' milk which evoke production
of all antibody classes [This may explain why pasteurized,
killed viruses are still antigenic and can still cause
British Journal of Cancer 61 (3):456-9,
March 1990. (Almost 16,000 individuals were followed for 11
and a half years). For most cancers there was no association
between the tumor and milk ingestion. However, in lymphoma,
there was a strong positive association. If one drank two
glasses or more daily (or the equivalent in dairy products),
the odds were 3.4 times greater than in persons drinking
less than one glass of developing a lymphoma.
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)The first
of these diseases is seen in England and
causes cavities in the animal's brain. Sheep have long been
known to suffer from a disease called scrapie. It seems to
have been started by the feeding of contaminated sheep
parts, especially brains, to the British cows.100 per cent incurable. To date,
over 100,000 cows have been incinerated in England in
keeping with British law. Four hundred to 500 cows are
reported as infected each month. The British public is
concerned and has dropped its beef consumption by 25 per
cent, while some 2,000 schools have stopped serving beef to
children. Several farmers have developed a fatal disease
syndrome that resembles both BSE and CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob-
Disease). But the British Veterinary Association says that
transmission of BSE to humans is "remote."The USDA agrees that the British epidemic was due to the
feeding of cattle with bonemeal or animal protein produced
at rendering plants from the carcasses of scrapie-infected
sheep. Cows are carnivores. They were fed meat resulting bovine
spongiform encephalopathy, or Mad Cow Disease, Bovine immunodeficiency
virus (BIV).
A report in the Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research,
October 1992, Vol. 56 pp.353-359 and another from the
Russian literature. They
report the first detection in human serum of the antibody to
a bovine immunodeficiency virus protein. In addition to this
, is another from Russia telling us of the
presence of virus proteins related to the bovine leukemia
virus in 5 of 89 women with breast disease (Acta Virologica
Feb. 1990 34(1): 19-26). The implications of these
developments are unknown at present.
Ovarian cancer--a particularly nasty
tumor--was associated with milk consumption by workers at
Roswell Park Memorial Institute in Buffalo, New York.
Drinking more than one glass of whole milk or equivalent
daily gave a woman a 3.1 times risk over non-milk users.
They felt that the reduced fat milk products helped reduce
the risk. This association has been made repeatedly by
numerous investigators.
Another study from the Harvard Medical
School, analyzed data from 27 countries mainly from the
1970s. Again a significant positive correlation is revealed
between ovarian cancer and per capita milk consumption.
The lactose component of milk thought to be
the responsible fraction.
American Journal of Epidemiology 130 (5): 904-10 Nov. 1989.
The beverage habits of 569 lung cancer patients and 569
controls again at Roswell Park were studied in the
International Journal of Cancer, April 15, 1989. Persons
drinking whole milk 3 or more times daily had a 2-fold
increase in lung cancer risk when compared to those never
drinking whole milk.
For many years we have been watching the lung cancer rates
for Japanese men who smoke far more than American or
European men but who develop fewer lung cancers. Workers in
this research area feel that the total fat intake is the
Roswell Park
Memorial Institute study.
Cancer 64 (3): 605-12,
1989. They analyzed the diets of 371 prostate cancer
patients and comparable control subjects:
Men who reported drinking three or more glasses of whole
milk daily had a relative risk of 2.49 compared with men who
reported never drinking whole milk the weight of the
evidence appears to favour the hypothesis that animal fat is
related to increased risk of prostate cancer.
Preference and taste.
The best few reasons: milk is a source calories,calcium and proteins-
amino acids.
The calcium is intended it to build strong bones
and protect against osteoporosis.
amounts of dairy products actually interfere with calcium
absorption. Secondly, the excess of protein that the milk
provides is a major cause of the osteoporosis problem.
Dr. H
Egsted in England has been writing for years about the
geographical distribution of osteoporosis. It seems that the
countries with the highest intake of dairy products are
invariably the countries with the most osteoporosis. Dr. Egsted
thought that milk is a cause of osteoporosis. given below.
Numerous studies have shown that the level of calcium
ingestion including supplementation has no
effect on the development of osteoporosis. The most
important such article appeared recently in the British
Journal of Medicine.
Another study in the United States actually
showed a worsening in calcium balance in post-menopausal
women given three 8-ounce glasses of cows' milk per day.
(Am. Journal of Clin. Nutrition, 1985). The effects of
hormone, gender, weight bearing on the axial bones, and in
particular protein intake, are critically important. Another
observation is to note
the absence of any recorded dietary deficiencies of calcium
among people living on a natural diet without milk.
For the key to the osteoporosis riddle,not to look at
calcium but protein. Eskimos have 25% of total calorie intake from protein
protein intake
. They also have a
high calcium intake at 2,500 mg/day. Their osteoporosis is
among the worst in the world.
The other instructive group
are the Bantus of South Africa. They have a 12 percent
protein diet, mostly plant protein, and only 200 to 350
mg/day of calcium, about half our women's intake. The women
have virtually no osteoporosis despite bearing six or more
children and nursing them for prolonged periods! When
African women immigrate to the United States, do they
develop osteoporosis but not quite as
much as Caucasian or Asian women.
"Well, where do you get your
calcium?" The answer is: "From exactly the same place the
cow gets the calcium, from green things that grow in the
ground," mainly from leafy vegetables. Elephants
and rhinos develop their huge bones (after being weaned) by
eating green leafy plants, so do horses. Carnivorous animals
also do quite nicely without leafy plants. It seems that all
of earth's mammals do well if they live in harmony with
their genetic programming and natural food. Only humans
living an affluent life style have rampant osteoporosis.
several billion humans on this earth who have never seen
cows' milk. osteoporosis should be
prevalent in this huge group. The truth is exactly the opposite. They have far
less than that seen in the countries where dairy products
are commonly consumed. The truly significant determinants of osteoporosis are
grossly excessive protein intakes and lack of weight bearing
on long bones, both taking place over decades. Hormones play
a secondary, but not trivial role in women. Milk is a
deterrent to good bone health.
"make sure you get plenty of good protein".
Milk is fitted right in.
As regards protein, milk is indeed a rich source of protein-
-"liquid meat,".
Nearly all Americans eat too much protein.
This is the latest edition (10th,
1989: 4th printing, Jan. 1992) of the Recommended Dietary
Allowances produced by the National Research Council.
Editor of this important work is Dr.
Richard Havel of the University of California, San
current recommendation is 0.75 g/kilo/day for adults 19
through 51 years, that is 45 grams per day
for the mythical 60 kilogram adult.
The WHO estimated the need for protein in adults to by
.6g/kilo per day. One can "get by" on 28 to 30 grams
a day if necessary!
45 grams a day is a tiny amount, an
ounce and a half.
The protein does not
have to be animal protein. Vegetable protein is identical
for all practical purposes and has no cholesterol and vastly
less saturated fat.
The plant proteins must be carefully balanced to
avoid deficiencies is antiquated belief. This is not a realistic concern.
Virtually all Americans, Canadians, British and
European people are in a protein overloaded state WITH
serious consequences when maintained over decades. The
problems are the already mentioned osteoporosis,
atherosclerosis and kidney damage. There is good evidence
that certain malignancies, chiefly colon and rectal, are
related to excessive meat intake. Barry Brenner, an eminent
renal physiologist was the first to fully point out the
dangers of excess protein for the kidney tubule. The dangers
of the fat and cholesterol are known to all.
the protein content of human milk is amount
the lowest (0.9%) in mammals.
Lactose is the principal
carbohydrate of milk.Nature provides new-
borns with the enzymatic equipment to metabolize lactose,
but this ability often extinguishes by age 4 or 5 years.
Lactose or milk sugar
is a disaccharide which is too large to be absorbed
into the blood stream without first being broken down into
monosaccharides, namely galactose and glucose. This requires
the presence of an enzyme, lactase plus additional enzymes
to break down the galactose into glucose.
At least half of the adult humans on this earth are
lactose intolerant, a relatively recent phenomenon. It started with
introduction of dairy herding and the ability to "borrow"
milk from another group of mammals.The survival
advantage of preserving lactase (the enzymehelps
to digest cow's milk)
It is just the white or light skinned humans who
retained this property while the pigmented people tended to
lose it.
White skin is
not more than 20,000 or 30,000
years old due migration to cold northern regions.
. Fair skin allows the
Vitamin D production from sunlight more readily than does
dark skin. Vitamin D helps absorption of calcium from guts such as cow's milk.However,
when only the face was exposed to
This is an explanation for fair skinned humans having a high
degree of lactose tolerance when compared to dark skinned
Blacks are up to 90% lactose intolerant as adults.
Caucasians are 20 to 40% lactose intolerant. Orientals are
midway between the above two groups. Diarrhea, gas and
abdominal cramps are the results of substantial milk intake
in such persons. Most American Indians cannot tolerate milk.
The milk industry admits that lactose intolerance plays
intestinal havoc with as many as 50 million Americans. A
lactose-intolerance industry has sprung up and had sales of
$117 million in 1992 (Time May 17, 1993.)
It seems that lactose is
largely digested by bacteria.
Cheese and yogurt despite lactose intolerance are not problems.
The milk is totally devoid of
fiber content and that its habitual use will predispose to
constipation and bowel disorders.
The association with anemia and occult intestinal bleeding
in infants is known to all physicians. This is chiefly from
its lack of iron and its irritating qualities for the
intestinal mucosa. The pediatric literature abounds with
articles describing irritated intestinal lining, bleeding,
increased permeability as well as colic, diarrhea and
vomiting in cows'milk-sensitive babies. The anemia gets a
double push by loss of blood and iron as well as deficiency
of iron in the cows' milk. Milk is also the leading cause of
childhood allergy.
Low fat milk isn't low
fat, a marketing term used to gull
public. Low fat milk contains from
24 to 33% fat as
calories! The 2% figure is also
misleading. This refers to
weight. By weight, the milk is 87%
There is little
or no fat in cereal but have a relative
overburden of protein
and lactose.
American routinely ingests far more
protein than
needed. It is a burden for, especially
the kidneys,
and a cause of osteoporosis.
Soy milk, rice milk or almond
milk as a healthy substitute.
"Westsoy" is formulated to have
the same
calcium concentration as milk.
To my thinking, there is only one
valid reason to drink milk
or use milk products. That is just
because we simply want
to. Because we like it and because
it has become a part of
our culture. Because we have become
accustomed to its taste
and texture. Because we like the
way it slides down our
throat. Because our parents did
the very best they could for
us and provided milk in our earliest
training and
conditioning. They taught us to
like it. And then probably
the very best reason is ice cream!
I've heard it described
"to die for".
The scientific evidence confirms
that cow's milk does not "do a body
Most of the people on this planet
live very healthfully
without cows' milk and is not
"nature's most perfect food."
"Fifty years ago an average
cow produced 2,000
pounds of milk per year. Today the
top producers give 50,000
pounds! How was this accomplished?
Drugs, antibiotics,
hormones, forced feeding plans and
specialized breeding;..."
latest high-tech onslaught on the poor cow
is bovine
growth hormone or BGH. ... there have
been no long-term studies on the hormone's effect on
the humans drinking the milk. Other
countries have banned
BGH because of safety concerns.
One of the problems with
adding molecules to a milk cows'
body is that the molecules
usually come out in the milk.... A related
problem is that it causes a marked
increase (50 to 70 per cent) in
mastitis. This, then,
requires antibiotic therapy, and
the residues of the
antibiotics appear in the milk.
...we produce more milk than we can
consume. Let's not create storage
costs and further taxpayer
burdens, because the law requires
the USDA to buy any
surplus of butter, cheese, or non-fat
dry milk at a support
price set by Congress! In fiscal
1991, the USDA spent $757
million on surplus butter, and one
billion dollars a year on
average for price supports during
the 1980s (Consumer
M. Kradjian, MD Breast Surgery Chief Division of General Surgery, Seton Medical Centre #302 - 1800
Sullivan Ave. Daly City, CA 94015 USA Reports, May 1992: 330-32).
Don't Drink Your Milk - Frank A Oski, M.D., Oski ... - Google Books
CAUTION: Milk Can Be Harmful to Your Health! The frightening new
medical facts about the world's most over-rated nutrient. If you drink milk, you MUST read ...
------ Milk - The Deadly Poison (9780965919609): Robert Cohen, Brian
Vigorita: Books.
| Zukin
- 1995
- 374 pages - Snippet view
| |
Enter content here 
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Covas MI, Nyyssönen K, Poulsen HE, Kaikkonen J, Zunft HJ, Kiesewetter H, Gaddi A, de la
Torre R, Mursu J, Bäumler H, Nascetti S, Salonen JT, Fitó M, Virtanen J, Marrugat J, EUROLIVE Study Group. The effect of polyphenols
in olive oil on heart disease risk factors: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med. 2006 Sep 5;145(5):333-41. Summary for patients
in: Ann Intern Med. 2006 Sep 5;145(5):I53.
Can mother's milk increase intelligence? It
seems that it can. In a remarkable study published in Lancet during 1992 (Vol.
339, p. 261-4), a group of British workers randomly placed premature infants into two groups.
One group received a proper formula, the other group received human breast milk.
Both fluids were given by stomach tube. These children were followed up for over 10 years. In
intelligence testing, the human milk children averaged 10 IQ points higher! Well, why not? Why wouldn't the correct building blocks for the rapidly maturing and
growing brain have a positive effect?
In the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
(1982) Ralph Holman described an infant who developed profound neurological
disease while being nourished by intravenous fluids only. The fluids used contained only linoleic
acid - just one of the essential fatty acids. When the other, alpha linoleic
acid, was added to the intravenous fluids the neurological disorders cleared.
February 28, 2012 |
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 14:20:27 -0500
Going low-carb? Pick the
right proteins
Several large
randomized controlled trials — have shown that
low-carb diets
are as good as low-fat diets for losing weight, and may even be better.
But how do they
fare for long-term health?
Most low-carb
diets deliver more protein and fat than “regular” or low-fat diets.
We know there
are good and not-so-good fats and carbohydrates.
Could the same
hold true for protein sources? If so, then the type of protein that dominates a diet can influence health as much as the kinds
and amounts of carbohydrates or fats.
The evidence
at the Harvard School of Public Health have been following 85,000 female nurses and 45,000 male health professionals since
the mid-1980s. Every few years, the participants fill out questionnaires detailing what they eat and provide other information
on their health. This wealth of data is offering some insight into the long-term effects of different low-carb diets. In one study, the researchers created scores for each
nurse’s intake of protein from red meat, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs, nuts, and beans. The findings:
- The more protein from red meat, the higher the chances of developing
heart disease.
- Women who averaged two or more servings of red meat a day had a 30% higher
risk of developing heart disease than those who had one or fewer servings a day.
- Replacing one serving of meat with one of nuts reduced the risk by 30%.
In a separate
study, the researchers created scores that reflected both
the amount of
carbohydrate in the diet and
the main sources
of protein.
In the sane study
those with a low-carb
diet heavy in animal protein were 23% more likely to have died over 20-plus years of follow-up than those with “regular”
while those following
a low-carb diet rich in plant protein were 20% less likely to have died.
sources Good sources of protein deliver
different amounts of saturated fats, carbohydrates, and fiber. Here’s what 3 ounces of different protein sources contain.
Protein (g)
Carbohydrate (g)
Saturated fat (g)
Roasted chicken, white meat
Roasted leg of lamb
Cooked ground beef (85% lean)
Baked coho salmon
Roasted chicken, dark meat
Baked ham
Boiled green soybeans
Cottage cheese, 1% milk fat
Boiled black beans
Source: USDA National
Nutrient Database
Putting it
all together
To your body,
protein from pork chops looks and acts the same as protein from peanuts.
What’s different
is the protein “package” — the fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that invariably
come along with protein.
The two Harvard
studies add to a growing body of evidence that emphasizing plant protein sources is a better | |